Monday, August 10, 2009

Thoughts on the Rough Weekend and Big Papi

Rough weekend for Sox fans. Sunday was probably some of the most disappointing baseball I have ever watched. Jon Lester pitched masterfully, his only mistake coming in the bottom of the 7th inning (curtain call #1:Aroid). The Sox answered when Victor Martinez hit a 2-run bomb in the 8th, but the Yankees returned the favor by scoring 4 runs in the bottom of the 8th (curtain calls 2 & 3: Damon, Teixiera).

  • It was a disappointing end to a dissappointing series. It seems like it has been years since the Red Sox beat the Yankees, even though Boston leads the season series 8-4. I also have to remind myself that it is only early-August. There is a lot of baseball left to be played and 6 1/2 games is not too much to make up.
  • I have also been thinking that as much as I hate the Yankees, I am stoked they are in first place instead of the Rays. I know we can beat the Yankees in the playoffs, but I don't know how successful we would be against the Rays.
  • Question for Yankees fans: Why is Robinson Cano still batting 7th? Is he not the best pure hitter on the team? Why not bat him 2nd and use Johnny Damon as a source of power at the back of the lineup? (Sidenote: Robinson Cano is my favorite Yankee for sure)
  • Big Papi. Call me crazy, but I actually believe this guy. I mean c'mon, can't you picture him taking some dietary supplements to keep from gaining too much weight? I can't picture David Ortiz injecting himself with steroids and then hitting the weights for hours at a time. Ortiz isn't a gym rat, he doesn't work out enough to gain a huge advantage from taking steroids. So why would he take them?