Monday, August 10, 2009

Thoughts on the Rough Weekend and Big Papi

Rough weekend for Sox fans. Sunday was probably some of the most disappointing baseball I have ever watched. Jon Lester pitched masterfully, his only mistake coming in the bottom of the 7th inning (curtain call #1:Aroid). The Sox answered when Victor Martinez hit a 2-run bomb in the 8th, but the Yankees returned the favor by scoring 4 runs in the bottom of the 8th (curtain calls 2 & 3: Damon, Teixiera).

  • It was a disappointing end to a dissappointing series. It seems like it has been years since the Red Sox beat the Yankees, even though Boston leads the season series 8-4. I also have to remind myself that it is only early-August. There is a lot of baseball left to be played and 6 1/2 games is not too much to make up.
  • I have also been thinking that as much as I hate the Yankees, I am stoked they are in first place instead of the Rays. I know we can beat the Yankees in the playoffs, but I don't know how successful we would be against the Rays.
  • Question for Yankees fans: Why is Robinson Cano still batting 7th? Is he not the best pure hitter on the team? Why not bat him 2nd and use Johnny Damon as a source of power at the back of the lineup? (Sidenote: Robinson Cano is my favorite Yankee for sure)
  • Big Papi. Call me crazy, but I actually believe this guy. I mean c'mon, can't you picture him taking some dietary supplements to keep from gaining too much weight? I can't picture David Ortiz injecting himself with steroids and then hitting the weights for hours at a time. Ortiz isn't a gym rat, he doesn't work out enough to gain a huge advantage from taking steroids. So why would he take them?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How in the world did that happen?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer. Lake(r)s, Wings, and Sox?

Summer is really busy. I'm spending a lot of time working and coaching lacrosse.

Red Sox vs. Yankees - I'm excited, but really? Great rivalry...but it is doesn't matter yet.

Red Wings - winning the Stanley Cup tonight. They were unbelievably dominant in game 5.

Lakers - Should go to 3-0 tonight. Another ring for the best player in the league.

**Hook'em Horns. Back in Omaha where they belong. Hopefully the offense will find itself in Omaha.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Sox Trade Rumors

check out this article for more Red Sox trade rumors...some of them were discussed in earlier posts, but all would be great fits with Boston.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Not-So-Supporting Cast? Give Me a Break ESPN

In response to an article on about the Orlando Magic upsetting the Cleveland Cavaliers:

"ORLANDO, Fla. -- LeBron James walked off the court, head down, brushing off a few pieces of confetti. He ignored the few taunts by Magic fans and took one last look at the crowd without muttering a word.

Not to anyone.

A scintillating series by the NBA's MVP was washed away by his not-so-supporting cast, as the Cleveland Cavaliers were eliminated Saturday night with a 103-90 loss to the Orlando Magic in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals."

The Cleveland Cavaliers have come up short again. Obviously, it is impossible for a player to win an NBA championship by himself, so the Cavaliers organization went out and got him some much needed help. They aquired All-Star point guard Mo Williams in the off-season, and verteran Joe Smith late in the season. Adding some much needed depth to the Cleveland roster.

So why did the Cavs lose to the Orlando Magic? I believe much of it had to do with poor coaching and Clevelands lack of discipline. Lebron is a great basketball player, and the Cavs offense should run through James. However, Lebron had the ball in his hands way too much. No one else was able to do anything. Mo Williams and Delonte West were unable to contribute consistantly like they were able to do in the regular season, Big Z couldn't get into a groove (partially because of his awful defense on Dwight Howard), and the Cavs came up short yet again.

Don't you wish they would wait until after the playoffs to select Coach of the Year? No way Mike Brown would win it now. The Cavs made the right moves this season, Lebron finally has a solid supporting cast, but in the end it was Lebron James vs. the Orlando Magic.....and Lebron will have to Witness someone else win the title yet again.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wait...what was I supposed to "witness"???

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who is the Birdman?

Glorious. Blinn's most famous and accomplished alum, Chris Anderson, sits down with ESPN.

--Colleen Dominguez - "So if someone asked you...Who is Birdman? What would you say?"
Chris Anderson - "You'd have to talk to him about that."--

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NHL - Discouraging Hitting in the Playoffs

Kronwall was suspended 1 game for the hit in the clip below. I do not understand how this hit warrants a suspension? In my opinion, it should not even have been penalized. Kronwall didn't leave his feet, his elbows were down, the puck was at Havlats doesn't make any sense.

One of the first things you are taught as a hockey player is to always skate with your head up. It was not Kronwall's fault that Havlat wasn't ready for the hit. Sure it was a dangerous hit, but hockey is a dangerous sport. Remember Scott Stevens playoff hits in the 1990's and early 2000's? Most of his hits were extremely dangerous but he wasn't suspended everytime he layed the boom on someone.

Honestly, the NHL needs the big hits and big fights, especially in the playoffs. The more hitting, the higher the TV ratings will be. If we ever want to see NHL hockey on ESPN again, the NHL cannot keep suspending players for incidents like this.

Monday, May 25, 2009

New Additions to the Sox?

With David Ortiz still struggling, there are plently of rumors about the Red Sox looking to add another bat to the lineup. The Sox have plently of young pitching and could afford to trade away some of their promising pitching prospects (Michael Bowden, Daneil Bard, Clay Bucholz). The Red Sox are also looking to upgrade at Shortstop and Catcher as well. Here are some rumored potential additions:

Hanley Ramirez (SS / Florida Marlins) - Hanley is a product of the Red Sox farm system. He was dealt to the Marlins in the Josh Beckett/Mike Lowell trade back in November of 2005. Hanley is the best offensive shortstop in the game of baseball. He has a rare combination of power and speed, and is very versatile as a hitter (he could bat anywhere in the order). He is only 26 years old and could provide some needed youth at the shortstop position.

Victor Martinez (C/1B / Cleveland Indians) - The Red Sox desperately need a catcher for the future. VMart could be that man. He is batting .371 so far this year for the Indians, and seems to have regained some of his power after hitting only 2 home runs in 2008 (he has 7 HRs so far this year). Going out and adding Victor Martinez would be a great move for the Red Sox especially with Big Papi struggling. He is due to make around $6 million in 2010, but I think it would be well worth the price.

Matt Holliday (OF / Oakland Athletics) - Holliday was a great player in Colorado, where he hit bombs all day in the thin, Rocky Mountain air. He went to the A's in the offseason where he has struggled. I could see him being successful in a Red Sox uniform, he is a right-handed hitter, and the Green Monster in right field would definitely help him out. I'm just not sure where he would fit into the lineup at this point; the DH spot is occupied, Jason Bay is playing exceptionally well in left field, and Jacoby is irreplaceable in center. I guess the Sox could move forward with 4 OF's (Bay, Ellsbury, Matt Holliday, JD Drew), occasionally giving someone the day off. I like Holliday and I'd be pumped if the got him, but I'm not sure that he would help the Sox much this year.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lebron comes up short again...the dude is a monster but isn't quite in the mj/magic/larryB/kobe class just yet. He's scary good though and he'll get there soon.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

LeBron made a nice shot....but Kobe just proved why he is the best closer in the world. Kobe doin' work.

Friday, May 22, 2009

LeBron. About time he made a huge game winning shot. The travel was terrible but you made up for it. Still Kobe is the greatest closer in the world.

Its been a busy week with work and summer school. I'm at the coast for the long weekend...but i'll have some new stuff next week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Big Papi just hit his first HR of the year.

Many more to come for the big 34. Go Sox!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


This is the greatest.

Skip ahead to about 1:04. This kid is awesome.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dancing with the Doplhins

So Jason Taylor signed with the Miami Dolphins. He agreed to a 1-year $1.1 million contract. He could have signed almost anywhere else for more money, but decided to go back to Miami to be closer to his family.

Taylor had this to say - "My heart has always been in Miami and so I'm truly excited to call myself a Dolphin once again. I was presented with a number of different opportunities, but in the end the combination of this being the best situation for my family, my love for this community and my tremendous loyalty to a great organization made this an easy decision."

Nothing against Taylor or his decision..but it is obvious that he is ready to be done with football. He doesn't want to participate in team offseason programs, he doesn't want to play for the best team in the NFL, and he doesn't want to make much money. At 34 Jason Taylor is getting a little old and he might be nearing the end of his career, but he could still be an above-average linebacker. The problem is he doesn't want to work.

There is nothing wrong with putting family before work or football; Taylor is a good player and will be a leader on any team he plays for. I would love for him to be a Patriot, but I am almost glad he went somewhere else. I just don't feel like his is ready to give 100% on the field.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

News Flash

Roger Clemens is an idiot. This morning on Mike and Mike in the Morning he denied using steroids yet again. Are you serious Roger?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why the Sox will win the AL East

It is not too surprising that the Boston Red Sox are off to a great start. Besides the offensive outburst from Jason Bay and Tim Wakefield dominating opposing hitters, nothing has gone in the Sox favor.

  • Boston's cleanup hitter, and one of the great sluggers of the modern era, David Ortiz is still looking for his first home run of the season.
  • Dice-K (12.79 ERA) has been ineffective and remains on the disabled list.
  • Through 7 starts Jon Lester is 2-3 with a 6.31 ERA.
  • Josh Beckett (3-2, 6.42 ERA) has not been his usual self.
  • Kevin Youkilis started out hot but has missed the last week of action due to a sore back.
  • The Sox have been playing with their 3rd shortstop, Nick Green. Not that Green hasn't filled in admirably, he just isn't as consistent in the field or at the plate as Julio Lugo or Jed Lowrie. (Don't think that means I love Lugo--I'd rather have him in the lineup than Nick Green, but I'll take Jed Lowrie over Lugo any day.)

Red Sox fans shouldn't worry though, and here's why.

Youkilis is due back this week, which should bolster the lineup. And although Big Papi isn't the hitter he used to be, he'll find his swing and start being a more reliable source of power. Lester and Beckett are great pitchers and I am confident that they will get it turned around sooner than later. Also Dice-K should be back to normal after being able to rest his arm for a few weeks (stupid WBC). The Red Sox bullpen is deeper than it has ever been. Papelbon, Okajima, Ramierez, Delcarmen, and Saito have all been solid. Also veteran pitcher, John Smoltz, will join the Red Sox rotation in early July after he rehabs his surgically repaired shoulder.

Watch out Yanks--Beckett, Lester, Dice-K, and Smoltz? If they are all at 100% for the playoffs, I don't think there is a team that could them. No way.

If I Were Scott Walker, I Would Suspend Myself

For those of you who didn't see Scott Walkers cheapshot on Aaron Ward, check out the video above.

The game was almost over and the Bruins were up 4-0, and a little scrum breaks out. Aaron Ward gets Matt Cullen a little high with his forearm (pretty standard in NHL scrums), and out of nowhere Scott Walker comes in and sucker-punches Ward in the face.

I have no problem with fighting in hockey, I actually think it is great for the game and the NHL, but a fight, to me, is when two opponents engage each other and drop their gloves. This was not a fight. In no way was Ward trying to fight Walker. The Bruins were content with their victory, and didn't want to get involved in the Hurricane's shenanigans. The 'Canes were mad because they got destroyed in the game, but there is no excuse for what Walker did.

As a Bruins fan, part of me wishes that the refs would have let Milan Lucic go off on Scott Walker. I cannot imagine the damage Lucic would have done if Ward had not gotten up from the ice. Unfortunately, Walker probably won't get his face pounded in by Lucic because the Bruins cannot afford to have him suspended again. But I can promise you someone will deal with Scott Walker.

If I were Scott Walker, I would be scared to step on the ice.